How Astrology won World War II for the Allies – or, “Let’s be nasty to Atheists”

AstroWarLet us turn from an earlier promise to be nicer to Christians, into something more maliciously fun, as in ‘let us be nasty to atheists’, for a change!

Now deluded atheists might protest that they are ‘nice’, but were atheists Adolph Hitler and Joe Stalin ‘nice’? Left wingers like to pretend that Joe Stalin was a good guy, but let us compare them. Joe murdered between 20 to 30 million in ‘purges’, where false allegations were often dumped on the innocent to keep the downtrodden masses in fear and they were sent as forced labour to Siberia.

Desperate to prove they’re nasty and stupid, atheist commies have parroted ‘You can’t make an omelette without breaking some eggs’. Well, Adolph did did not kill 2 to 3 million of his own people before the war started; he merely “disappeared” the handicapped, including the blind and deaf, before starting on the Jews… he got the trains running in time at a much lower cost in human lives!

In contrast, the Christians of Western Canada are still embarrassed today that about a thousand  of 10 thousand Chinese labourers died to get their railway over and through the Rockies in the nineteenth century. In other words, the Christian capitalists are upset about a 10% mortality rate in more dangerous conditions than in Siberia, where atheistic commies considered a 90% mortality rate of some of their brightest as just ‘a few broken eggs’.

So of the two warmongering atheists, the vegetarian, world war one corporal better prepared his Germany for war by not killing big chunks of his own people first. The atheist who had been a Russian Orthodox seminarian did excellent work at weakening Russia for its enemies.

It is understandable that Jews, left wingers (and hence Hollywood) like to focus on Hitler’s role in starting World War II, but it was actually started by 2 atheists invading Catholic Poland. In response, Protestant Britain and thus the British Empire, Catholic France and thus the French Empire, went to war for pragmatic reasons against Germany but not Russia.

In the course of the Second World War, atheist Hitler was guided by his astrologer to override his Lutheran and Catholic Generals to make decisions that were so silly that the British declined several opportunities to assassinate him.

We wonder if Churchill was looking to the post World War II Europe in preferring a Russia weakened by Stalin as leader rather than risk dealing with a clever brave patriot like Field Marshall Georgy Zhukov

There must be some reason for not assassinating Stalin, the Great Traitor. In fear of the Vegetarian Anti-Defamation League, let us make it clear that not all vegetarians are so silly as to become army corporals and have their decisions guide by Astrology.

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