We’re Not Racist!

In all our previous encounters on this blog, we have tried to approach the phenomenon of birth date traits from a scientific point of view.

The basis of the scientific method is that a hypothesis is proposed based on some information or evidence that suggests something is the case. Initially the hypothesis is subjected to rigorous debate in the academic institutions to expose logical flaws. It is then tested repeatedly against empirical data to either prove or disprove the hypothesis.

What is often overlooked by non-scientific journalists is how something is actually ‘proved’. There can be plenty of evidence to suggest or convince us that something is true, but it only takes one piece of data is to falsify a hypothesis. Not only that, but if we firmly believe something to be true, then for us it will always be true even if the evidence clearly falsifies it.

Hans Eysenck
Hans Eysenck. Photo by Sirswindon at English Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=6193165

In the early 1970s, violent left-wing students blocked Hans Eisenck (1916-1977) when he tried to give talks at universities.

His evidence was that:

  • IQ Tests showed differences between blacks, whites and asians in the US.
  • Experiments showed a correlation between the pencil and paper IQ tests and physiological testing of brain speeds.

As a result, he formed the hypothesis that IQ differences were reflective of racial genetic differences.

Now at all of the universities where he spoke, the normal procedure would have been as described above. However, the disruptive shouting down gave huge credibility to his arguments. The Left’s resort to thuggery meant they had not used the normal academic processes to disprove Eisenck’s theories. Thus, they were reinforcing ‘the feared truth’, which must be shouted down (see Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals). To Leftists, ideology supersedes the facts.

The Neurone Hackers - Neuroplasticity
The Neurone Hackers – Neuroplasticity

Incidentally, since Eysenck proposed his hypothesis, it has largely been falsified by new evidence and research into brain plasticity. Note, we say it was falsified by evidence not ideology.  Additionally Eysenck also tried to create a connection between the influence of astronomical phenomena on Earth life that would be difficult to prove or disprove, a common ploy by most astrologers.

Nowadays it is not unusual for something to be shouted down, which was also the tactics used by the Nazis. It is hypocritical of the Left to use those same tactics by now attacking much research as ‘Nazi’ if it does not fit their ideology, namely investigating differences based upon race.

We see the same tactics used today by the Global Warming advocates, Black Lives Matter and the anti-Trump mob.

So when we talk of ‘a high proportion of Argentine military officers being born in a certain month, we are merely giving evidence that may suggest a connection.

Is it proof of something? No!

Is this racist? Not at all!