Twin Studies and Astrology

Super Full Moon, Chatham Daylight Time (CHADT), 4.35 pm Monday September 28th 2015.

A Full Eclipse of the Moon will also occur but only be seen in the eastern Americas, Western Europe and Western Africa. From Chatham Islands to western Americas and from Eastern Europe to east Asia, only a partial eclipse will be seen.   The Maximum eclipse will occur at UTC 2:47:09 AM.

Welcome to any fellow lunatic fans for this Super Full Moon and Eclipse Edition!

In the December 2014 edition of the BBC’s magazine ‘The Sky At Night’, astronomer Alister Graham refers to the ‘time twins’ (based on their shared time of birth) study in 2003 by the Australian scientist Geoffrey Dean and the Canadian psychologist Ivan Kelly, finding no evidence of of psychological similarities between 2000 ‘time twins’ born in London. An ‘igNobel’ science award could not be awarded to them for that study alone by itself, due to the sad anecdote that we must relate below.

Over 30 years earlier a schoolboy visited a schoolgirl, hoping to get her attention. Seeing her distracted by reading the daily newspaper’s horoscope, he sought to redirect her attention by pointing out the extremely different lives of her two younger identical twin brothers. Despite not just identical birth dates, but identical genetic and almost identical nurturing and sharing a home and classrooms during the week.

Since Aries females (‘ewes’) do not like their woolly thinking shorn away, the wrong sort of attention being gained, there ceased any chance of his own gum boots  overnighting in that ewe’s paddock! With age and wisdom, we suspect females and males of all zodiac signs also dislike having silliness exposed.

Since there have been many studies of identical and non-identical twins with some twins brought up together and some separated at birth, there should be massive evidentiary support for astrology if there was any truth in it.

So should we ignore  the problem of Argentine officers birthdates or investigate further?

Let us valiantly charge on into the abyss with birthdate surveys anyway!

Next… “Honesty and the Zodiac – A Seriously Heavy If True survey”.